What’s this all about then?

Music Is The Answer was the name of the very first space I created to express my love for music, way back in the days of Blogspot. 10 years later, here I am using the same name for a newsletter which upholds a similar ethos informed by my experiences. You can read more about this in my first newsletter.

Why now?

It’s been a decade since I decided to combine my passion for music with my journalistic training, since then I’ve been all over the world, interviewed many of my heroes and written for a variety of respected publications. Over the years a lot of my work has disappeared for various reasons. I’ve been figuring out how to resurrect it and a newsletter feels like the best vehicle right now.

Who are you?

Marcus Barnes is my name. Hello and welcome.

I’ve been knee deep in music journalism since 2010, though these days I spend a lot more time on copywriting assignments for various companies, including a large number of artist biographies.

I write and edit books. My most recent are Around The World In 80 Record Stores, a guide to vinyl outlets all over the planet, Junior Tomlin: Flyer & Cover Art, covering the work of the iconic flyer designer and Bedroom Beats & B-sides.

I also DJ and curate/compile playlists, with stints at Deezer and TIDAL, plus a monthly radio show on Netil Radio.

Above all of my experience and abilities, I am a lifelong devotee of music in many of its forms.

Stay up-to-date

Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox but don’t worry, you won’t be bombarded. Expect fortnightly updates every Friday. This might increase at some point but for now I’d like to have a decent stretch of time to get everything ready. Subscribe here if you’re interested.

I’m still figuring out potential perks so this is a free subscription for the time being.

Feedback is always welcome

Please feel free to comment on any of my newsletters or mail me marcus dot barnes dot uk at gmail dot com. You can also find me on social media —> @mgoldenbarnes.

Your feedback is essential to the progress of this newsletter. I’m open to suggestions and ideas so do please comment if you feel inclined - negative, neutral or positive, they are all welcome.

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A home for my writing, past and present...


A collection of music writing, new and old, from the fair hands of myself - Marcus Barnes.